
A Natural Fix for Your Dry Eyes

Eyesight is commonly viewed as one of the most valuable human senses. Therefore, the eyes are among the most important organs for preventative care.

All parts of the eye are extremely delicate. Our bodies have several ways to protect them. The eyeball is protected by the eye socket, the bony structure in the skull. The visible part of the eye is protected by the eyelids and eyelashes. They protect the eyes from dirt, dust, sand particles and even harmful bright light out of the eye.

Tears also form a protection to the eyes.  Tears provide lubrication to the eyes and clean out dirt, dust, and other irritants that get past the defences of the eyelids and eyelashes. Apart from that, tears can also protect the eyes against infection.

Structure of Human Eye

Inside the eyes, our retina is protected by three carotenoid pigments known as lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthins are present in high concentrations, especially in the macula and work as filters to protect the eyes from blue light and oxidative stress-induced damage.  

Our eyes need to stay moist for them to stay healthy. Normally people will blink every 10 seconds. When we blink, our eyes release a “tear film” that coats the eyes and soothes them. With each blink, our eyelids will spread a layer of mucous, oil and tears across the eye's front surface known as the cornea. Any excess tears in the eyes flow into small drainage ducts in the inner corners of the eyelids, which will drain into the back of the nose.

Symptoms of Dry Eyes

When using a tablet, computer, smartphone or watching TV, we do not blink as often as we normally would.

Less blinking leads to drier eyes. Some of the symptoms associated with dry eyes are:

  • Itchy, gritty eyes
  • Red, stinging eyes
  • Excessive tearing
  • Blurry vision

With the surge in virtual connections for the past 2 years, the use of digital devices has nearly doubled overnight, according to Nielsen Global Media. The dramatic surge in screen time calls for a timely increase in vision protection.

Other common causes of dry eyes include air-conditioning, cigarette smoke, low humidity, sun, wind or pollutants, certain medications such as anti-histamines – used in cold or allergies, contact lenses and hormonal changes in menopausal women.


The Harmful Effects of Blue Light on Our Eyes

The widespread use of digital devices has led to a significant rise in the exposure of our eyes to short-wavelength visible light, particularly blue light.

Studies have shown that exposure of our eyes to blue light emitted from electronic devices, even for exposures as short as 1 hour, may cause reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation that can lead to inflammations and dry eye disease. Furthermore, the short-wavelength blue light can reach the inner lining of the retina and damage the light-sensitive cells, putting us at risk of early age-related macular degeneration and eventually leading to loss of eyesight.

The formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can cause oxidative stress on the eye's surface. It has been demonstrated that oxidative stress damages the ocular surface and subsequently, leads to inflammations and dry eye disease.

When there is inflammation in your tear glands (lacrimal glands), cornea or conjunctiva, the body may not produce sufficient tears or the tears produced do not contain the right mixture of water, oils and salts. These changes can lead to dry eyes. When the eyes are not well-lubricated, they are not as efficient at washing away dirt, dust and germs. 

The Importance of Tears

The tears are important for carrying oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, white blood cells, enzymes and water to the cornea since our cornea has no blood supply.

Small cuts on the cornea or infections are more likely to develop due to frequent rubbing or if the eyes do not produce sufficient tears.

Stress to the eyes, whether due to infection or a scratch on the cornea will trigger the body to launch an immune response at the eyes. Inflammation in the eyes is an attempt by our body to heal our eyes. However, it can make dry eyes worse. Dry eyes can also make eye inflammation worse.

Untreated, severe dry eyes can lead to eye inflammation, abrasion on the cornea, corneal ulcers and subsequently serious, irreparable vision impairment.

The Downsides of Using Eye Drops

Eye drops such as lubricating eye drops or artificial tears eye drops are frequently used in dry eyes. Artificial tears can be very soothing if we suffer from dry eyes. They temporarily restore the moisture in the eyes.

However, the constant use of artificial tears can cause our natural tears to wash away, together with the natural protection they offer to our eyes.

Artificial tears are not a lasting cure for dry eyes because they only relieve the symptoms of dry eyes temporarily. They lack nutrients, antibodies, and the protection our eyes need against free radicals, which subsequently leads to oxidative stress and inflammation in the tear glands.


Maqui Berries: Natural Tear Support in Dry Eyes 

Recently, Maqui berries have garnered attention as a potential remedy for dry eye symptoms arising from prolonged screen exposure and environmental influences.

Maqui berries are native berries that grow wild in the forests of Patagonia in Chile and Argentina. They contain the richest identified natural source of delphinidins, a type of plant pigment that imparts the very dark purple colour of the berries.

Delphinidins are characterized by interesting antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties with one of the highest antioxidant properties of any fruits known to men.  They are the most effective free radical scavengers that can remove 5 types of free radicals in the body.

MaquiBright® is the only patented and effective standardised maqui berry extract that provides rich purified flavonoids that contain a minimum of 25% delphinidins and 35% of total anthocyanins.

MaquiBright® delphinidins show the highest absorption rate compared to other anthocyanins such as blackberry and blueberry. It can penetrate the cells of the lacrimal.

Chronic oxidative stress from the environment causes the tear glands to malfunction and not be able to produce sufficient tears. Delphinidns from maqui berries trap free radicals, reduce oxidative stress and restore tear production in the lacrimal gland.

Subsequently, 2 clinical trials were conducted on humans to further substantiate its effectiveness in humans. 

1. Schirmer’s test – Conducted in subjects who are suffering from eye dryness, and who were exposed to more than four hours of screen time at work daily.

MaquiBright® shows improvement in eye dryness and fatigue before and after the exposure to screen time, as compared to placebo. 

2. Dry Eye-related Quality of Life Score questionnaire (DEQS) - Conducted on a similar group of subjects.

MaquiBright® had shown a 57% decrease in bothersome ocular discomforts such as gritty eyes, soreness and red eyes. 


The Role of Carotenoids in Eye Health

Carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin are well-known for their effect in protecting the eyes from blue light. The higher the exposure to blue light, the lower the MPOD (Macular Pigment Optical Density). MPOD is a measurement of the levels of the carotenoids in the macula. The higher the level of MPOD, the better the improvement in photo-stress recovery, contrast sensitivity and reduction in glare disability.​

Macula is responsible for the central vision, most of our colour vision and fine details of what we see. The macula is also rich in lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin, the yellow pigments which are found in the central retina.

Lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin are the only nutrients deposited specifically into the eyes to absorb harmful blue light. Because the human body does not naturally produce lutein or zeaxanthins, it is important to get these nutrients through supplements and foods.


Lutemax 2020: The Award-Winning Macular Pigment To Protect Against Vision Stress.

Choosing the right lutein supplement that provides all three carotenoids is essential for full macula protection. Lutemax 2020 is a natural extract extracted from marigold flowers, containing all three macular pigments in a 5-to-1 ratio.

The deposition of these macular pigments is highly specific:

  1. Lutein: deposited at the outer-most layer of the macula
  2. Zeaxanthin and Meso-zeaxanthin: deposited at the centre of the macula

Lutemax 2020 is a supplement that helps with visual health and function. It contains all three important carotenoids, including meso-zeaxanthin, which is responsible for our sharpest and most colourful vision.

Unlike other eye-lutein supplements which contain only lutein and zeaxanthin, Lutemax 2020 is the most comprehensive supplement that can improve the innermost layer of the macula and protect against high-energy blue light.

Multiple clinical studies have demonstrated the benefits of Lutemax 2020 for vision. 

a) Better bioavailability: LAMA 1, an acronym for Lutein, Vision and Mental Acuity, a study that proved Lutemax 2020 increases serum levels of lutein and zeaxanthin rapidly and is associated with an increase in MPOD as fast as 8 weeks.​

​b) Improves visual performance: Lutemax 2020 consistently improves contrast sensitivity, photo-stress recovery and disability glare thresholds in multiple studies.​

c) B.L.U.E study: The first human clinical trial in young, healthy subjects to demonstrate improvements associated with prolonged blue light exposure from digital devices, including eye strain and fatigue, headache frequency and glare tolerance. ​

Maqui Berries and Lutein - The Best Natural Fix for Your Dry Eye And Eye Strain

Unlock the full potential of your eye health with Kordel's revolutionary V-Fresh supplement. While a well-rounded diet lays the foundation for overall well-being, our busy lifestyles often leave nutritional gaps, especially when it comes to eye-specific nutrients.

V-Fresh, powered by the synergistic blend of Maquibright® and Lutemax 2020, goes beyond conventional eye care. This cutting-edge formula not only boosts natural tear production and preserves optimal eye function but also provides a robust defense against the strains of modern life, such as prolonged screen exposure.

Say goodbye to vision stress, eye strain, blurry vision, and dry eyes – choose Kordel's V-Fresh for a clearer, healthier vision and a brighter future!

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